Sunflower Red Rose Bouquet
Sunflower Red Rose Bouquet
Experience the harmonious blend of passion and joy with our Sunflower Red Rose Bouquet, thoughtfully curated by Le Bliss Bouquet. The Red Explorer Rose, a symbol of sensual beauty and love, intertwines seamlessly with vibrant Sunflowers, representing adoration, loyalty, and longevity. Known as "happy" flowers, Sunflowers are the perfect gift to brighten someone's day or treat yourself.
Measuring approximately P35 x L25 x T45, this bouquet is a visual delight, capturing the essence of nature's beauty. As a special touch, each order comes with a FREE GREETING CARD, allowing you to express your sentiments with a personalized message. Elevate your gifting experience with the Sunflower Red Rose Bouquet – order now and share the joy of nature's artistry.
Important Note
Important Note
Le Bliss Bouquet cannot cancel or modify orders in processing, transit, or on delivery.
Same-day orders are processed promptly upon confirmed payment and generally cannot be changed.
Flower arrangements are unique artworks; exact recreations may not be possible.
Due to seasonal variations, we'll use available flowers of equal value.
Items in arrangements are subject to availability; replacements of equal value may occur.
We exclusively use premium real and imported flowers from various countries.
Pictures serve as references, as each arrangement is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Postponements are possible within 2 to 3 days from the initial pick-up/delivery plan.