Purple Fresh Graduation Bouquet
Purple Fresh Graduation Bouquet
Celebrate your graduate's success with our Purple Fresh Graduation Bouquet from Le Bliss Bouquet! This vibrant arrangement is a thoughtful way to show your congratulations. Purchase now and receive a free greeting card to add a personal touch. Size: P40 x L40 x T50. Shop at Le Bliss Bouquet for an elegant and meaningful graduation gift!
Rayakan kesuksesan kelulusan orang tersayang dengan Bouquet Purple Fresh dari Le Bliss Bouquet! Rangkaian bunga yang cantik ini adalah cara berpikir untuk menyampaikan selamat dan penghargaan atas kerja keras mereka. Dapatkan sekarang dan dapatkan kartu ucapan gratis untuk sentuhan personal. Ukuran: P40 x L40 x T50. Belanja di Le Bliss Bouquet untuk hadiah kelulusan yang elegan dan bermakna!
Important Note
Important Note
Le Bliss Bouquet cannot cancel or modify orders in processing, transit, or on delivery.
Same-day orders are processed promptly upon confirmed payment and generally cannot be changed.
Flower arrangements are unique artworks; exact recreations may not be possible.
Due to seasonal variations, we'll use available flowers of equal value.
Items in arrangements are subject to availability; replacements of equal value may occur.
We exclusively use premium real and imported flowers from various countries.
Pictures serve as references, as each arrangement is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Postponements are possible within 2 to 3 days from the initial pick-up/delivery plan.