Sweet Pink Bridal Bouquet
Sweet Pink Bridal Bouquet
Important Note
Important Note
Le Bliss Bouquet cannot cancel or modify orders in processing, transit, or on delivery.
Same-day orders are processed promptly upon confirmed payment and generally cannot be changed.
Flower arrangements are unique artworks; exact recreations may not be possible.
Due to seasonal variations, we'll use available flowers of equal value.
Items in arrangements are subject to availability; replacements of equal value may occur.
We exclusively use premium real and imported flowers from various countries.
Pictures serve as references, as each arrangement is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Postponements are possible within 2 to 3 days from the initial pick-up/delivery plan.
33 reviews
Kadonya bagus, bunganya juga cantik. Akhirnya dia mau menerima sy
seller responsif dan sangat membantu. packaging dan isinya really good. i love it and my GF loves it even more! Many thanks! ❤️
1 people found this helpful
thank you so much kaa! love ittt banget aaa💝💝
Mantap bgt pelayanan nya. Minta urgent karena tb2 perlu jenguk org, tiba di jam yg di minta. Makasih bgt tim admin dan tim le bliss. Terus memberikan
cantik & bagus, dpt free anggur. thx u seller
kaa aku baruu ambil, thank you so much yaa it’s soo pretty as expected💗💗 loveee it bgttt!!!
Terima kasih, istri saya suka 😊🙏🏻
1 people found this helpful
hi kaa baru arrivedd, thankyou so much yaa i love itt!! always the bestt🥰🥰💞
Bagus dan gercep. Makasih yaaa sesuai orderan dan pesanan
1 people found this helpful
Wah bagus sekali
suka banget. bagus dan kereen ! fast response dan pengiriman juga sangat cepat ♥️ thank you 🙏🏼
Cantik sekaliii 🥰
she looks happy. so, you really deserved 5 star rating 😇
2 people found this helpful
Thank you so much mba admin sudah bersedia kerjasama dalam acara adikku. Bunganya cantik
Respon seller sangat okeee bunganya rapiii packing okee
Waaaa cantik sekali 😩😍 Terimakasih ka